
Jesus, amazing gift from God at Christmas, says Odedeji

The Lord  Bishop of Diocese of Lagos, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), The Rt. Rev. Dr. James Olusola Odedeji, has said that the birth of Jesus Christ has brought to the world amazing gifts from God to mankind and urged Nigerians  particularly Christians, to utilise the gifts, which he described as amazing.

He listed the gifts as: Gift of Life, Gift of His Presence; Gift of His Name; Gift of His Word; Gift of Holy Spirit and the Gift of Deliverance, among others.

He said the gifts are important not only to survive here on earth but to secure in eternity.

Odedeji’s message was contained in the sermon he preached on Monday, December 25, during Christmas Day Holy Eucharistic Service at Archbishop Vining Memorial Church Cathedral, Ikeja. 

Preaching on the topic, “Amazing Gifts from God to Mankind,” Odedeji took his text from Isaiah 9: 6 and 7. 

He started by defining gift as something special and valuable given to someone, adding that a gift can be considered valuable or amazing depending on who presents it; the knowledge the presenter has of the receiver’s need for the gift; and how long the gift will remain valuable to the receiver.

He said: “Just as many think during this season on the gifts to give to friends and families, so also God thought of how to bless mankind and he decided to give mankind his only begotten son as a ransom for his sins; He gave not just a son, but His only begotten son.”

The gift of Jesus Christ, he said, meets man’s needs for salvation, man having fallen out of grace due to his sin in the Garden of Eden. It makes the gift valuable and amazing. Again, he said Jesus is an amazing gift from God at Christmas because Jesus reflects the quality and value of God, who gave the gift to redeem mankind, since the giver of the gift and the gift are the same and live in eternity. 

 “The gift of Jesus is amazing because it will last forever. In Hebrew Chapter 13, Verse 8, the Bible says Jesus Christ the same yesterday, the same today and the same forever,” Odedeji said, among others, to underscore that Jesus is an eternal gift. Therein lays another sterling quality of the gift. 

The qualities of Jesus as a gift, according to the Bishop, are also seen in the names ascribed to him, which are listed in Isaiah Chapter 9: 6: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God and Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

The Bishop quoted verse 7, which reads, “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” to further support the lasting and enduring value of Jesus Christ as a gift to mankind.

Dignitaries from all sectors and worshippers of AVMCC, lkeja, attended the service which include the Chancellor of the Diocese, The see Honourable Justice Babasola Ogunade, the Registrar,  Bambi Adesanya, SAN, wife of the bishop, Dr Lydia Odedeji.

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