Team SafePad wins United Nations Global Goal World Cup

TEAM SafePad has won the United Nations Global Goal World Cup (GGWCUP), which was organised to end girl-child absenteeism in school and promote uninterrupted education.
The GGWCUP Nigeria edition, which had 20 teams across the federation, saw Team SafePad from Imo State, playing for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which is quality education, and clinched a second position.
The GGWCUP is a five-a-side football tournament for women teams, as each team champions one of the SDGs, and is ranked by the action taken for their goal on and off the field. The successful teams amplify their calls to action and create impact locally and globally.
During the tournament held at the Teslim Balogun Stadium, Team SafePad, a menstrual hygiene advocate, displayed its passion that led to the formation of Period Pride Campaign, a non-governmental organisation that had distributed pad over 2,000 girls.
Team Lead for SafePad, Onukansi Ogochukwu, said while the World Bank revealed that one out of 10 girls miss out on school due to lack of menstrual products, the team aims to ensure that every girl has access to safer products to prevent absenteeism from school and ensure uninterrupted education for all girls.
Ogochukwu said to win in the GGWCUP requires four action points, including style, action, crowd and football, adding that to actively ensure that each team member contributed greatly, she assigned every member a role.