
Aiyedatiwa, Akinfolarin other governorship aspirants mourn late Akintelure

Ondo State Governor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, has described as shocking and devastating the death of former frontline governorship aspirant of the All Progressives Congress in the state, Dr. Paul Akintelure.

Aiyedatiwa commiserated with the Akintelure family, people of Okitipupa local government area and progressive fold in Ondo State.

This was contained in a statement issued on Tuesday by his Chief Press Secretary, Ebenezer Adeniyan, in Akure, the state capital.

In the statement, Aiyedatiwa said: “Dr. Akintelure was a wonderful human being and was a core progressive. He was very consistent and loyal to the tenets of progressive politics in Ondo State and Nigeria.

“He was a friend and associate. He conducted his private business and public affairs with so much decorum and humility to the admiration of many.

“We have lost a complete gentleman. He will be greatly missed.”

He added that the death of Dr. Akintelure at this critical time in the life of the State is saddening and prayed for the repose of his soul.

In a related development, a governorship aspirant, Wale Akinterinwa, has announced the suspension of his political activities following the sudden death of Akintelure.

Akinterinwa, in a statement by his spokesperson, Segun Ajiboye, said his campaign activities, which was earlier planned to kick off today, Tuesday, March 26, 2024, with a praise worship at his his country home in Ile-Oluji, was suspended in honour of a friend and comrade.

He said, “I am saddened by the news of the passing of a friend and comrade.

“Following this sad incident, I have decided to suspend all political activities of our campaign organisation.

“I pray God to console his family, friends and the APC in Ondo state and to give the fortitude to bear this great loss.”

Similarly, the Mayowa Akinfolarin campaign Organisation has commiserated with the family of Akintelure.

According to Akinfolarin,  Akintelure “lived an exemplary life evident in his conduct as a professional in politics and grassroot mobilizer.”

“As the running mate of Late Oluwarotimi Akeredolu in the 2012 Ondo election, he demonstrated huge traits of political maturity and took the development of the state as his top priority.

“Otunba was there, right from the beginning. He was a rallying point for foundational members of All Progressives Congress and was with the party since its formation stage.

”His contributions to building the party, both in Ondo State and the whole nation cannot be overemphasised.

“We send our condolences to the family and entire people of Ikale Land. We are assured of God’s continuous protection of the family and friends he left behind. May they be granted the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss.”

On his part, Chief Olusola Oke, another governorship aspirant, said: “The news of the death of Dr. Paul Akintelure came to me as a rude shock. Indeed, Nigeria, Ondo state and Igbotako town have lost a great gem.

“His passing is a further depletion of the clan of the finest in the politics of our country. He enriched politics with dignity and decency.

“He lived the life of a dove. Despite the adversarial nature of our politics, he never sought to offend anyone.

“I am, therefore, constrained by this sad event to suspend all my political activities in honour of our departed compatriot.”

The Oke campaign Organisation also announced the postponement of its campaign tours of March 26 and 27, 2024, adding that new dates for the tours will be announced later.

Another governorship aspirant, Hon. Olugbenga Edema, while expressing his shock over the news, conveyed his deepest condolences to the bereaved family of Akintelure and the entire people of Ondo State.

Edema acknowledged the significant impact of Akintelure’s passing on the political landscape of the state, saying: “I am deeply saddened by the tragic passing of Paul Akintelure, a formidable co-aspirant and a respected figure in our political community.

“My heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, and all those who have been touched by his life. This is indeed a great loss for Ondo State.

“Akintelure’s dedication to the people of Ondo State was unwavering, and his passion for positive change was truly inspiring.”

He stated further that his campaign activities have been suspended temporarily as a mark of respect for him.

Edema noted that “the decision to put the campaign on hold underscores the gravity of the loss and the importance of honouring Akintelure’s memory during this challenging period”.

Also, the Lucky Aiyedatiwa Campaign Organisation Foot Soldiers in a statement by its convener, Dr. Oladipupo Okeyomi, said Akintelure’s passage was as painful as it was benumbing, considering his impactful imprints in growing the APC not only at the state level but also in the national scene.

Okeyomi, in the statement issued through the LACO-FS State Director of Information, Kayode Fasua, said the campaign organisation had suspended its itinerary for the week, in honour of the departed leader.

He said: “We grieve for this sudden passing of our great leader, Dr. Paul Akintelure, whose contributions to not just APC but above all, party politics and democracy in Nigeria, cannot be quantified.

”We recall with nostalgic feelings how he, in the dark days of military rule, teamed up with now President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to ensure the enthronement of democracy in Nigeria.

”It’s quite sad that he left us at a time he was most needed for consolidation and progressive inroads; but who are we to query God?”

The campaign Organisation “commiserate with the deceased’s immediate family, the people of Igbotako in Okitipupa Local Government area from where he hailed, and the Nigerian political class and the medical profession, on the departure of Akintelure”.

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