
NGE decries growing insecurity in Nigeria

The Nigerian Guild of Editors has urged government at all levels to step up efforts at addressing growing security across the country in line with their constitutional responsibility of securing life and property.

NGE’s President and General Secretary, Eze Anaba and Dr. Iyobosa Uwugiaren, said this in a communique on Monday.

The communique was issued after the NGE’s Standing Committee Meeting held in Enugu.

Observing a slide in the security situation in the country, the professional body of editors and media executives acknowledged efforts by the government to reverse the troubling trend.

The body acknowledged the recent release of students of LEA Primary School/Government Secondary School in Kuriga, Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State as a good development.

The Guild congratulated the Office of the National Security Adviser, Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State and security agencies for their roles in securing the release of the students after three weeks in kidnappers’ captivity.

The Guild also called on the Federal Government to speak out on the whereabout of the Editor of FirstNews Newspaper, Segun Olatunji, who was abducted from his Lagos home by some men in military uniform.

The editors also demanded for the immediate release of the editor, contending that any publication by the media, if believed or suspected to be false, should be interrogated and tested through the legal process.

They condemned the way the editor was abducted, saying such action had no place in a democracy, especially under the President Bola Tinubu-led government.

The editors contended that the administration had consistently promised to be guided by the rule of law in all his actions, policies, and programmes.

They added in the communique: “The media/journalists must be allowed to continue to operate in an atmosphere conducive to the performance of their constitutional duty of holding government accountable to the people.

“Government or security agencies must not be perceived to be doing anything to the contrary or attempting to stifle the media under a democratic government.”

The Guild described the recent ambush and killing of 17 military personnel on March 14, 2024 in Okuama community in Delta State and the aftermath of the alleged military’s revenge as disheartening.

It called on the Federal Government to dig deep into the killing of soldiers in Okuama and unravel the “real circumstances” in which the incident and its aftermath occurred, with a view to bringing those indicted to book and preventing a recurrence.

While noting the rising cost of living in the country, which saw Nigeria’s headline inflation rate increase from 29.90 percent in January to 31.70 percent in February, the editors attributed the current harsh economic space to the worsening security situation.

They also attributed the rising cost of living to the removal of subsidy on petrol and the devaluation of the Naira, following the unifying of exchange rates.

It said: “The Guild observed measures by the Central Bank of Nigeria to reverse the falling value of the Naira and urged it to ensure the results are long-term and not temporary.

“The professional body also acknowledged initiatives by government at various levels to reduce the hardship in the country – through various palliatives and intervention schemes.

“Such measures should not be beneficial only in the short-term, hoping that government policies, in the long run, will make life easier for the people.”

The Guild commended the mass media for their resilience amidst the harsh economic realities of the times and called on journalists to continue to perform their responsibilities with a sense of professionalism.

It said: “In the face of the nation’s security challenges and tough economic ecosystem, the Guild urged journalists to be circumspect, and not sacrifice truthfulness in their reportage.

“The media must continue to carry out its responsibilities with a sense of nationalism and be careful not to inadvertently give stimulus to terrorists/bandits in their reportage.”

The NGE thanked the government of Enugu State for providing an atmosphere conducive for it to hold its Standing Committee Meeting in the state.

It noted the “landmark and revolutionary projects” initiated by Governor Peter Mbah barely one year into his tenure, especially in education, health, provision of potable water, and road infrastructure.

The Guild said the initiatives were promising and urged the governor to see them to fruition and continue in such light.

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