
Firm expands investment to boost food service industry

Sundry Foods Limited (SFL) has announced a significant expansion of its investment to enhance the food service industry nationwide.

This announcement comes as the company unveils six new Kilimanjaro restaurant outlets across the country, marking a significant step in its strategy to extend its flagship brand.

The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of SFL, Ebele Enunwa, highlighted the expansion’s aim to improve customer experience by offering services within proximity to where people live and work.

“Our mission is to revolutionize the culinary landscape in Nigeria and make our exceptional food experience accessible right at the doorsteps of our customers,” Enunwa stated.

Proud of the company’s growth trajectory, Enunwa shared that the expansion strategy has yielded outstanding results, reinforcing the brand’s strength and its substantial presence within the nation.

“We are poised for continued growth, building on our robust brand identity and expansive network,” he stated.

According to him, SFL now operates 194 outlets across diverse locations, including Lagos, Kaduna, Delta, Abia, and Edo, with the newest addition in Abuja.

He said this expansion was undertaken in response to the strong demand from customers residing or operating businesses in these areas.

Enunwa emphasised the company’s commitment to delivering its hallmark quality food and services across Nigeria.

He stated that by pursuing strategic investments, SFL aims to generate value for partners, customers, and shareholders alike.

Enunwa said this approach is expected to control costs, enhance margins, and elevate the overall experience for all stakeholders involved.

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