
Court remands 45-year-old man for allegedly raping minor

A Chief Magistrates’ Court in Kafanchan, Kaduna State, has ordered that a 45-year-old man, Jonah Luka be remanded in a correctional facility for defiling a seven-year-old girl.

Luka is charged by the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp with rape.

The presiding judge, Samson Kwasu, declined to take the plea of Luka for lack of jurisdiction to hear the matter.

Kwasu directed the prosecutor to forward duplicate copies of the case file to the State Director of Public Prosecution for legal advice.

He adjourned the matter until February 29 for further mention.

Earlier, the NSCDC prosecutor, Marcus Audu, told the court that the girl’s father, Nazareth Dauda, reported the matter at the corps’ office in Kafanchan on January 30.

Audu stated that Luka lured the complainant’s daughter into his room at Unguwar Rimi Bajju and defiled her.

He said the minor was taken to the Salama Sexual Referral Centre, Kafanchan and the matter was referred to the corps for investigation.

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